
Don't Panic

Its happens to the best of us...
We've all had those days when all we can do is PANIC... but the good news is... Meant for a Moment now has a line of stationary out specifically meant to sooth the burn of those days...
So DON'T PANIC... ok

Stationary Can Be found at Meant for a Moment's Etsy Shop

Custom Stationary

For the "Perfect Networker" Meant for a Moment has made a custom line of Stationary for him to use that allows him to follow up with "Kennections" How convenient that his name is Ken... 
perhaps it was fate...{?}
Contact me if your are interested in your very own set of custom stationary {cheers}


something to love

In my imaginary closet today is this beautiful necklace.
I absolutely adore this Lace Necklace by, White Owl on Etsy

Toadally Fabulous Series...

Meant for a Moment release phyked s our Toadally Fabulous Series Today...
I am toadally psyched to hear your feedback...


Advertisement Art

This morning I ran into this fabulous poster collection by Bob Staake... 
Even though I am not quite sure what they all say, I found my self scrolling down further and further... loving the lines, colors, detail, and characters... Just love it.


Happy Birthday to Me

Well Readers... I have one confession to make... and it is no secret, I am an absolute DIVA about my birthday... {so shameless}. I freaking LOVE marking a day on a calendar that I get to call my own.

And in case you didn't see the billboards I put up on I95 or you missed the radio ads announcing my big day... Yesterday, July 24th was my birthday! {Heck yes}

And Oh was it a Birthday! I started my day with a love note (favorite part) which was followed by a trip to the local coffee shop for coffee and my first gift...

Drum roll da dum .... A gift certificate to ... the Artist and Craftsman Supply Company in Baltimore... So from coffee we went shopping together {a miraculous event}! And I got to recklessly spend my gift card on treats that I wouldn't ever buy for myself...{bonus}

After leaving with my arms full of my treasures, we had some time to waste so we wandered the isles of my favorite book store {can't get enough of that}...
But, Shortly after our book store arrival I was whisked away for another surprise ... 

But before I could figure out where we were going, I was given my next gift and one requirement... I must wear it...

and so I entered the BALTIMORE MUSEUM OF ART in my Beautiful NEW Hat... {I have a thing for hats, don't ask (just love)} where I did some thinking...

I saw Picasso and his Blues {beautiful} and my favorite Giacometti...!
After the BMA we headed to the most fabulous place on Earth... 
The: Paper Moon Diner

Where barbies, trolls and GI Joes are glueed to the ceiling, Cupie dolls come in abundance and food comes in MASSIVE proportions...!

Stuffed to the gills we slowly removed ourselves from our booth and made our way back en-route to our last birthday surprise... Destination Unknown...
I received my third gift in the car... Some beautiful rose bud earrings...{love!}

 I put them on, Immediately...! And off we were to...

the streets of Washington DC...
... Dave kept this mission a secret all the way up to the front door.

I walk though the door and up the steps and see art work on the wall and low and behold...

He has put my work in a gallery in DC... {Best BF ever}
So sweet and absolutely fantastic... I kissed him all over his face giggled a little as he told me how he managed to get my prints and his stories of struggles and triumphs... and smiled all day long...

Than back to Ellicott City where we had Dinner with my Family...
Mom made a fabulous watermelon cooler... {frozen watermelon in a blender, add sugar, strain. Mix with club soda, pour over ice add mint and welcome to heaven} 

We chowed down on a 4 star meal and ended the evening with our traditional birthday cake!

Happy Birthday to Me... It could not have been better... Thank you Everyone... I love you


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